Virtual Tour of the School
St. Rita School is open for enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year! Watch our virtual tour to learn more about our school.
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Tips for encouraging your child to read
10. Read in front of your child - let them see that you love to read.
9. Read out loud to the whole family - try a classic such as Charlotte's Web or Peter Pan.
8. Find a book about a sport they like/play or a hobby they enjoy.
7. Join a book club with your child.
6. Try a new magazine together.
5. Listen to a book on tape/phone - great for long car trips.
4. Video or record them reading a book aloud to send to Grandma or a younger cousin.
3. Have a family D.E.A.R. time. (Drop Everything and Read)
2. Find a book set in a favorite vacation spot.
1. Read with your child - put your jammies on and get in bed. Read what they are reading.
Add a box of chocolates or cookies and life is good!