Mass Times: Saturdays at 5:00 pm;
Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:30 am.
Mon, Tues, Wed* (*Communion service),
and Fri at 8:15 am;
Thurs at 6:00 pm.
St. Rita Roman Catholic Church
1008 Maple Dr., Webster, NY 14580

The Parish Office is open from 9 am to noon, Monday through Friday.  Stop by or give us a call at 671-1100.

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An Introduction to the Sunday Scripture Readings - October 13, 2024

"Go, Sell What You Have And Give To The Poor And You Will Have Treasure In Heaven; Then Come, Follow Me”

Our readings for this Sunday teach us the importance of detachment from the things of this world—be it possessions, pleasure, power or prestige. It is only by emptying ourselves of these things that we can make room for God in our lives. It is the focus on the Creator rather than the created thing that really matters.

In our first reading from the Book of Wisdom (Wis 7:7-11), the author prefers God’s Spirit of Wisdom to all of the riches the earth has to offer. And yet, “All Good things together came to me in her company and countless riches at her hands”. This parallels so wonderfully what Jesus teaches us in today’s Gospel: “Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven.”

In our Epistle reading (Hebrews 4:12-13), we learn that the Word of God (Jesus) penetrates our very soul. Nothing is hidden from Him. It is He who knows all and it is to Him that we must render an account. 

In our Gospel reading (Mark 10:17-30), Jesus contradicts the prevailing understanding that wealth and possessions were a sign of God’s favor and blessing. To Jesus, they were a distraction that could lead us away from the Kingdom of God. Rather than be hoarded, they were an opportunity to help others. When the young man came asking what he needed to do to inherit eternal life, Jesus told him, “Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” The young man “went away sad, for he had many possessions.” Jesus also taught His disciples that with God, nothing is impossible. 

Jesus teaches us that our attachment to the things of this world can only distract us from complete dependence and obedience to God. We must be ready to give them up at a moment’s notice. In today’s Gospel passage, the rich young man was given a choice—choose Jesus or choose your wealth and possessions. Sadly, he chose the latter.

How would we choose? Do our possessions possess us or can we detach ourselves from the things of this world to focus completely on the Kingdom of God?

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